venerdì 7 agosto 2020

Gods ok Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno García

 This is such a wonderfully written novel. From the beginning to end, the author manages to weave such a complex story of love, power, mythology, forgiveness and sacrifice.

Her writing is simple, straightforward and yet so lyrical. Silvia Moreno manages to transport us not only to the Mexican culture but to the time period as well.

I also loved the way she evoques a moving fairy tale about a simple girl and the Maya God of Death and how they both find each other in their humanity.

The author's vision of the 1920s Mexico and the Maya Underworld are so vivid and enchanting that they bring the story alive.

The culture and mythology of Yucatan come alive through her prose.

She has also managed to create such a wonderful balance between historical fiction and mythology. She thus portraits the women's fight against domestic violence, against discrimination as well.

I cannot recommend it enough to anyone.

📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚📚#silviamorenogarcia, #godsofjadeandshadow, #mexicanmythology, #summerreading2020, #instabooks, #bookstagram, #booklover, #lovereading,


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