domenica 4 aprile 2021

April and Spring

 Il nome di questo mese deriva da una parola greca che significa "apertura".

In Aprile il tempo piange e ride insieme.
Quando in Aprile il corno suona per il fieno e per il grano è stagione buona.
In Aprile un'alluvione porta via la rana e i suoi ranocchietti.
#edithholden#ildiariodiunasignorainglesedelprimonovecento#thecountrydiaryofanedwardianlady#mondadorieditore#booksaddict#booklover#april#springandtulips#bookstagram, #

The henna artist by Alka Joshi

 'm starting to think that the best way to enjoy a book is to go into it somewhat blind. This is exactly what I did with this story.

A story that shows how women in an India of the 1950s made their way into a patriarchal world. It's a tale of perseverance, history, self-worth, forgiveness, womanhood and family. I simply adored the main character Lakshmi, her ethic work and her determination to create the life she really deserves. The glossary at the end of the book helped me to understand better some Indian words and phrases, their meaning and interpretation.
I am looking forward to reading the second volume The Secret Keeper oj Jaipur.