domenica 20 maggio 2018


Lia Levi, an Italian, Jewish writer and journalist was born in Pisa, on November 9th, 1931. At the beginning of 1940, she moves to Rome with her family, where she still lives. In 1943 she escapes the Jewish deportation and hides with her sisters in the religious Institute "Suore di San Giuseppe di Chambery". In 1967 she founded the Jewish magazine "Shalom". She also writes Young Adult novels. The novel "Questa sera è già domani " (Tonight is already tomorrow ) is another book part of the Strega Award of 2018. This is the second book that treats the same themes of racism, deportation in the Second World War. #premiostrega#lialevi#questaseraegiadomani#bookstagram#leggerelibri#readbooks#bookworm#amolegggere

mercoledì 9 maggio 2018

Marco Balzano "Resto Qui"

Marco Balzano is an Italian writer born in Milan in 1978. Apart from being a writer he is also a teacher. He published his first novel in 2010, "Il figlio del figlio" (The son of the son), a novel which was translated into German the following year. Apart from writing fiction, he also published two volumes of poetry and two non fiction books of essays, one of these about the Romantic poet Giacomo Leopardi. The novel "Resto qui" (I stay here) is his first novel nominated for the Strega Literary Award. It's part of the 12 longlist books. It is a story written in the form of a diary, letters sent by our main character Trina to her lost daughter. At the beginning of the Second World War , an Italian region called Alto Adige (German speakers predominantly ) becomes a negative target for Mussolini and his government. Many families chose to leave and go to Germany, Austria and even Switzerland. There are others who chose to stay. This novel focuses on them, their fight against the Mussolini government, survival during the war. Their hopes and dreams. The languages is beautiful and the portrayal of the characters is marvellous. I enjoyed this story very much and I cannot recommend it enough to all of you. #premiostrega#marcobalzano#restoqui

giovedì 3 maggio 2018

Strega Literary Award

Strega Prize is an Italian literary award establish for the first time in 1947. It is awarded every year for the best work of fiction published by an Italian author between May 1st and April 30th. It was founded by two Italian writers Maria and Goffredo Bellonci. At the beginning of 1944 they started a literary group called "Amici della domenica " (The Sunday Friends ) and in 1947 together with Guido Alberti, the founder of the Strega liqueur, inaugurated a prize for fiction, the winner being chosen by this literary group. This is the longlist of 12 novels chosen for 2018. On June 13th the shortlist of 5 books will be announced. #restoqui#marcobolzano#comeungiovaneuomo#carlocarraba#ilgioco#carlodamicis#lamdredieva#silviaferreri#laragazzaconlaleica#helenajaneczek#questaseraegiadomani, ##lialevi#daltuoterrazzosivedecasamia#elvismalaj#sanguegiusto, # Francesca Melandri, #ilfiglioprediletto#angelananetti#lacorsara#sandrapetrignani#anniluce#andreapomella#lestanzedelladdio#yariselvetella